Product Release Notes 11/30/21
Jeanette Wilson avatar
Written by Jeanette Wilson
Updated over a week ago

The following enhancements/fixes were released on 11/30/2021:



Assigning Tasks

When you choose a group/establishment while assigning a task/corrective action, the employee list will now be filtered to show only employees within that group/establishment.

Incident Investigation

On the OSHA Compliance report component for FROI, any information entered in the initial report will now be pre-populated. You still have the ability to edit any information here as needed. It will only be added to the OSHA Log if you select Yes to the first question "Is this an OSHA Recordable?"

Incident Reporting

Admins now have the ability to edit the group/establishment and project when they edit an initial report.

MyAnalytics/Custom Documents

Collaborators/Administrators will now be able to run analytics on custom document questions that have provided answers (i.e. they are not open text questions - ex. drop down, radio button, check box, etc.) To do this, edit the Custom Document template and check the box next to Show Question on Analytics for each qualifying question. Then, when you create an Analytics report and choose Custom Documents as the Data Source, you will see the questions show in the Data Points list to the left.

Notifications (Mobile/Web)

Ability to turn on/off notifications by group/establishment

Notifications (Mobile/Web)

Incidents broken out into individual incident type (FROI, Property Damage, Auto Accident, etc.) versus having all incident types included in one notification setting as it was previously.

Notifications (Web Only)

On the Created Assignments tab of a supervisor, collaborator, or admin's dashboard, there will now be a Send Reminder button to allow them to send an email to anyone they assigned an action item to (audit, training, task, corrective action, etc.)


Redesigned the OSHA Forms page to allow for better formatting, easier navigation, no overlapping of long text boxes, etc.

For any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact Customer Success using one of the following methods:

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