Product Release Notes 7/27/22
Jeanette Wilson avatar
Written by Jeanette Wilson
Updated over a week ago

The following enhancements/fixes were released on 7/27/22:



Training Reporting

There is now a Training Exception Report where you can choose to look at certain trainings by a date range with optional additional filters, and it will show you the status of the training (including whether it was assigned to the employee or not) or the expiration of the training(s) chosen. Please see this video for a thorough overview.

Document QR Codes

You now have the ability to assign QR Codes to both Safety Procedure documents and SDS documents that are housed in iReportSource. This allows users to scan the code on the mobile app and be taken directly to the document. This video provides more information.

Training QR Codes

Previously, a Training QR code would take individual employees to complete a training on the mobile app. This was replaced with a functionality that uses QR codes as a way for trainers to quickly track the attendance for an in-person training they have held. This video explains in further detail.

Behavior Observations

We did a complete overhaul of Behavior Observations. They now act like our Safety Audit feature, in that you can create a template of the questions you want asked, and it will track which employee(s) are observed as well as the supervisor doing the observation. It can be assigned to the supervisor, or on the mobile app they can simply start an observation without needing it assigned to them. This video provides a complete walkthrough of the functionality.

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