Product Release Notes 10/8/23
Jeanette Wilson avatar
Written by Jeanette Wilson
Updated over a week ago

The following enhancements were released on 10/8/23:




You now have the ability to create and complete Incident Reports. You must first elect to store files for offline use in your profile on the mobile app. This article explains how offline works in more detail.

Custom Documents

Users can now start Custom Documents on demand with a QR code. This article explains how to create the QR codes, and this article covers how to use the QR code to start a Custom Document.


Administrator users can now set up Default Notification Settings for all Supervisor, Collaborator, and Admin users. This negates the need for individual users to opt-in and sets a minimum required notifications for these users. They can opt-in for additional notifications and which location(s) to receive them from, but cannot turn off any notifications that are set as a default. See this article for information on setting up Company Default Notifications.

Incident Reporting

Users can select multiple supervisors when creating an incident report in the "Who is the supervisor filling out the Supervisor Summary" question. This will allow the chosen supervisors to be notified (if they have incident notifications on) and they can access parts of the incident investigation.

Incident Reporting

When a user closes an incident report, a pop-up will display and ask if they want to also close all remaining open report components. This way you can choose to only leave open report components you may still have work on (Return to Work for an Injury, for example).

Incident Reporting/Tasks

All incident-related tasks can now have multiple assignees.

OSHA Forms

You now have the ability to update OSHA Headcount and Hours for establishments and/or areas by importing an easy Excel template. This will make getting your OSHA rates and updating the headcount for multiple-location organizations much easier. Check out this article for more information.

Witness Statements

Under the Incidents menu there will now be a section for Witness Statements that displays all of them in one place. From here, you can filter using any column, check the box next to them and click List Actions and Send Reminder to send out reminders in bulk. This article explains in further detail how to send Witness Statement Reminders.

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